Think Anew and Act Anew

The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew
— Abraham Lincoln, 1862

Never in the past 50 years has this quote from Abraham Lincoln in 1862 proven more relevant. We at ThirdWay Africa believe that it is imperative to re-think our models of economic development and financial return and their social & environmental interdependencies.

We also need to act on these new ideas by fostering multi-stakeholder collaborations. The current and unprecedented global crisis will leave us with a new tomorrow in many respects. We are hopeful that it will be one where despite current social distancing, we will all be more socially connected and empathetic. This evolution in our mindsets and outlooks could present the largest form of catalytic capital we have ever seen, ultimately unlocking larger and more effective blended financing, bringing closer together the worlds of development and commercial finance.

In preparation for this, we would like to share over the coming weeks a series of thought pieces covering different areas of opportunity in Africa, across a number of development themes. We hope you enjoy them. Stay safe and stay hopeful!

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